Lucia di Lammermoor in Toronto: ‘dark, claustrophic, and highly enjoyable’
Donizetti’s Lucia di Lammermoor, directed by David Alden for Canadian Opera Company, has opened in Toronto to excellent reviews.
The creative team, which included Charlie Edwards and Briggite Reiffenstuel, were given much credit by The Globe and Mail, describing the production as ‘dark, claustrophobic, and highly enjoyable’ and saying : ‘Edwards’s set, Reiffenstuel’s costumes – all in black, white and grey – and Silverman’s stark lighting, combine to create an austere, frankly Freudian background against which the extravagance of the opera’s music is perfectly set’.
Praising the production’s ‘bold vision’ The Star also noted the power of the set and costume design: ‘Charles Edwards’ sets are a masterpiece of forced perspective, making our eyes look in unexpected places, and the costumes of Brigitte Reiffenstuel drain all colour deliberately from the stage, making us wait for the moment of bloodstained horror which inevitably finally comes.’
See the Canadian Opera Company site for more reviews.